lunes, 11 de mayo de 2020

New content on LH

Monday (again). Do you know it's called Monday?

The Babylonians invented our modern week. The named their days after the five planetary bodies know to them: Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, Saturn, as well as the Sun and the Moon.

Hauxe ideia, planeten izenena Erromatarren Enperadore Konstantinok ere mantendu zuen berak asmaturiko egutegian (gure garaiko 321. urtean). Horregatik erromatarren hizkuntzaren aztarna duten hizkuntzetan horren antzekoak dira astegunen izenak (italieraz, prantsesez, gazteleraz...)

Sin embargo, en lo que hoy es el Reino Unido, tras la retirada de los romanos, se hicieron fuertes los anglo-sajones. Estos, eran "familia" de los Vikingos y utilizaron nombres de los dioses de su mitología para los nombres de los días del martes al viernes.

And, what about Monday?

illustration of Viking holding his daughter near the window with a moon in the backgorund

Monday gets its name from the Anglo-Saxon word "mondandaeg" which translates to "the moon's day. Girls born on Mondays were given the name Mona in Ancient Britain, as it was the Old English word for moon.

This week you've got some compulsory activities.
Aste honetan entregatzeko ariketa batzuk dituzue.
Esta semana hay planteadas unas actividades de entrega obligatoria.

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