lunes, 20 de abril de 2020

New content on LH + 3 Thousand visits and...Otxarvideo!

It's Monday. Update time!
Check the new content,  LH people!

Teachers and everyone working at school have been "having rest" during the "holidays" and we have prepared this video for you. Hope you like it!

Otxartaga eskola: Beti aurrera!

1, 2, 3...thousand!!
We are talking about big numbers. Let's celebrate with a present.

A la de una, a la de dos, a la de visitas en un mes. Se me suben los colores...
Os dejo un regalito, a ver si os gusta.

Zuek!!! Hiru mila bisita ospatzeko, hemen behean badituzue zuen geletako letra-zopak. Baietz zuen izenak topatu!!
(Ez tranparik egin)



 LH 1go zikloa


eta.... bada ez bada... erantzunak...

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