martes, 2 de marzo de 2021

HH4 - Unit5 I want to be a superhero - Outdoor toys song


Unit5. I want to be a superhero! Let's go to the park. Let's play with the Outdoor toys.

It's a slide, it's a swing, it's a climbing frame, it's a bike, it's a scooter and it's a trampoline.

Outdoor toys song
This video and its rights are property of Oxford University Press.
The share in this blog has not commercial, but educational purposes.

It’s a slide, a slide, a slide,

a swing, a swing,

a climbing frame, a climbing frame...

Let’s play! Let’s play!

It’s a bike, a bike, a bike,

a scooter, a scooter,

a trampoline, a trampoline...

Let’s play! Let’s play!