miércoles, 30 de junio de 2021

OFFtxartaga - Summer Holidays 2021


The school year is officially over. It has been a long walk. We have learned a lot, we have had lots of experiences and we all deserve a summer break.

Ekainak 30. Data heldu da. Pertsiana (denboralditxo batean) jeisteko momentua.
Ikasturte arraro eta konplexua. Sekulako lana egin eta kemena izan duzue. Aupa zuek (eta zuetarrak)!
Atseden unetxoa hartuko dugu eta ez da publikazio berririk izango (printzipioz).
Udan pilak birkargatu, English entzun eta hitz egin (ahal bada) eta irailean, berriro plazara!

Se ha terminado el taco del calendario. Fin de fiesta. Cierre de emisión.
Paramos (un momentito) y retomamos en septiembre.
Daos un respirito, pero intentad no "apagar el botón" del English. Stand by, como mucho.

Porque en septiembre, continuamos (con más fuerza, si cabe). Go on!!

Mientras, un poco de veranito para todos y todas, que nos lo hemos ganado.
Intentad practicar un poco English, que hay tiempo para todo.

¡Nos vemos en septiembre!

NOTA: En principio, el blog no se va a actualizar a lo largo del verano, pero va a quedar activo. 


See you!!

lunes, 21 de junio de 2021

Holiday ideas not to forget your English 2020-2021


Hi there, families!
First, I want to remind you that I'm not assigning any compulsory English tasks for summer.

Familia horiek,
Garbi izan ez dudala English udarako lanik eskatu.

Estimadas familias:
Recordad que no estoy mandando ninguna tarea de English para el verano.

Sin embargo, algunas personas me habéis solicitado sugerencias para, en esos ratos que irán surgiendo a lo largo del verano, poder "vitaminar" el English.

Qué más quiere un profe que interés por su asignatura... ¡os dejo un documento con "un pallet" de ideas!

Thank you very much!

viernes, 18 de junio de 2021

The End


The final countdown: 10, 9, 8, 7, 8, 6, 5, 4, 3,2, 1...

Summer is here and schooltime is over.

Enjoy the summer and see you back in September.

Next week I'll post some Summer Task ideas.

Datorren astean, Udarako lan proposamenak publikatuko ditut.

La semana que viene publicaré recomendaciones e ideas para el verano.

Stay tuned!!
Adi egon!
Permanezcan en sintonía...

miércoles, 9 de junio de 2021

LH3 Project6 - A Holiday Postcard


They did it again (and better, maybe?)

Your mates in LH3 have been working very hard finishing Unit6 and here's the final result.

Very nice Projects using the structures and vocabulary and with an excellent presentation.

Do you want to watch the video?

Hementxe duzue bideoa.

martes, 8 de junio de 2021

HH5 - Unit8 I want to be a gardener - STORY


Hello Daisy! Hello Robin! Hello Mouse!

Let's watch the Gardener Adventure animation. 

Daisy and Robin are preparing a beautiful garden. There is a pond, some grass, a path, some leaves, some flowers and a bench.

I want to be a gardener
This video and its rights are property of Oxford University Press.
The share in this blog has not commercial, but educational purposes.

HH4 - Unit8 I want to be a prince - STORY


Hello Daisy! Hello Robin! Hello Mouse!

Let's watch the Prince (and Princess) Adventure animation. 

Let's have a stroll by the garden.

Look! There are lots of yummy fruits!

I want to be a prince
This video and its rights are property of Oxford University Press.
The share in this blog has not commercial, but educational purposes.

LH1 - Tiger Review3 (Unit5 - Unit6)


Let's review Units 5&6

Story: Tiger Review3
This video and its rights are property of Macmillan Education.
The share in this blog has not commercial, but educational purposes.

lunes, 7 de junio de 2021

LH2 - Tiger Review3 (Unit5 - Unit6)


Let's review Units 5&6

Story: Tiger Review3
This video and its rights are property of Macmillan Education.
The share in this blog has not commercial, but educational purposes.

martes, 1 de junio de 2021

HH4 - Unit8 I want to be a prince - Fruit song


Unit8. I want to be a prince, or a princess. Come with Daisy, Robin and Mouse. Let's go to our castle. Let's have a stroll by the garden. There are lots of trees and plants. I'm hungry. What about you?

Fruit song
This video and its rights are property of Oxford University Press.
The share in this blog has not commercial, but educational purposes.

Yum, yum, yum, yum!

I like fruit. What about you?

Yum, yum, yum, yum!

I like fruit. What about you?

Apples and pears and oranges, too.

I like fruit. What about you?

Bananas and cherries and strawberries, too.

I like fruit. What about you? (Repeat song x2)

HH5 - Unit8 I want to be a gardener - Garden song


Unit8. I want to be a gardener. We have got a great garden. It's big and nice. There's a pond, some grass, a path and many more things! Let's have a look!

Garden song
This video and its rights are property of Oxford University Press.
The share in this blog has not commercial, but educational purposes.

There’s a pond,

there’s some grass,

there’s a path

where you can walk.

There are some leaves

and some flowers.

There’s a bench

where you can sit! (Repeat song)