viernes, 30 de abril de 2021

LH3 - Unit 6 is coming!!



We're starting Unit6 with LH3 students. We're talking about thing that we're doing right now, in this moment.

So... we're discovering the Present Continuous (Present Progressive) / (-ing form), but we're not even saying its name in the classroom. We have no need to make it "so formal".

Please, come in! The lesson is just starting!! (about to start)

New Tiger 3 U6 Vocabulary Video Oktxartaga
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Brief explanation for parents (in Spanish)

jueves, 29 de abril de 2021

HH5 - Unit6 Smart Topic Maps


Have you ever seen a map? A map is a representation of the reality.

Here it is a map of an island. What can you see? What lives on the different places of the island.

Look! There's a house, too. A house for you and me!

Smart Topic: Maps
This video and its rights are property of Oxford University Press.
The share in this blog has not commercial, but educational purposes.

HH4 - Unit6 Smart Topic Habitats


Animals live in lots of different places.

The place where an animal lives is its Habitat.

Some aminals live in the trees. Some animals live in the grass. Some animals live in the river and some animals live in the rocks.

Smart Topic: Habitats
This video and its rights are property of Oxford University Press.
The share in this blog has not commercial, but educational purposes.

martes, 20 de abril de 2021

HH5 - Unit6 I want to be a sailor - STORY


Hello Daisy! Hello Robin! Hello Mouse!

Let's watch the Sailor Adventure animation. 

Daisy and Robin sail out to sea. There is a boat race. Daisy and Robil will join the race.

Ready, Steady, Go!! The race begins...

I want to be a sailor
This video and its rights are property of Oxford University Press.
The share in this blog has not commercial, but educational purposes.

HH4 - Unit6 I want to be an explorer - STORY


Hello Daisy! Hello Robin! Hello Mouse!

Let's watch the Explorer Adventure animation. 

Take your binoculars, take your camera, your hat and let's go looking for animals!

I want to see an elephant. Can you see and elephant?

I can see.... a....! There are lots of fantastic animals! Let's take a photo.

I want to be an explorer
This video and its rights are property of Oxford University Press.
The share in this blog has not commercial, but educational purposes.

martes, 13 de abril de 2021

HH4 - Unit6 I want to be an explorer - Animals song


Unit6. I want to be an explorer. Go on a safari and see and photograph lots of animals.

Animals are beautiful. Some of them can run, and jump and climb a tree. Watch out!!

Animals song

The share in this blog has not commercial, but educational purposes.
This video and its rights are property of Oxford University Press.

Let’s play animals 1, 2, 3,

Let’s run and jump and climb the tree.

I’m a snake, hiss, hiss,

I’m a crocodile, snip snap,

Let’s play animals 1, 2, 3,

Let’s run and jump and climb the tree.


Let’s play animals 1, 2, 3,

Let’s run and jump and climb the tree.

I’m a snake, hiss, hiss,

I’m a crocodile, snip snap,

I’m a monkey, oo oo oo,

I’m a parrot, squawk, squawk,

Let’s play animals 1, 2, 3,

Let’s run and jump and climb the tree.


Let’s play animals 1, 2, 3,

Let’s run and jump and climb the tree.

I’m a snake, hiss, hiss,

I’m a crocodile, snip snap,

I’m a monkey, oo oo oo,

I’m a parrot, squawk, squawk,

I’m a lion, grr, grr,

I’m an elephant, trumpety trump,

Let’s play animals 1, 2, 3,

Let’s run and jump and climb the tree.

HH5 - Unit6 I want to be a sailor - Sea song


Unit6. I want to be a sailor! I want to sail the sea.

I will go on my boat.

Look! There are lots of sea animals!!

Sea song
This video and its rights are property of Oxford University Press.
The share in this blog has not commercial, but educational purposes.

I can see a turtle,

I can see a fish,

splash, splash, splash,

in the sea!


I can see a seahorse,

I can see a shark,

splash, splash, splash,

in the sea!


I can see an octopus,

I can see a crab,

splash, splash, splash,

in the sea!

lunes, 5 de abril de 2021

Easter Special 2021


It's Easter. Easter is time for holidays, bunnies (rabbits) and egg hunting. Can you catch the eggs?

Aquí no tiene tanto tirón, pero en el mundo anglosajón es al revés. Es la Pascua lo que se celebra. Huevos, conejos, pollitos y...sorpresas, muchas sorpresas (huevos de pascua).

Easter!! Hementxe abesti sorta, eskulantxoak, denborapasak eta jolasen bat.

HH4 Easter Song
This video and its rights are property of Oxford University Press.
The share in this blog has not commercial, but educational purposes.

HH5 Easter Song
This video and its rights are property of Oxford University Press.

The share in this blog has not commercial, but educational purposes.

LH The Easter egg hunt Song
This video and its rights are property of Macmillan Education.
The share in this blog has not commercial, but educational purposes.

Easter Crafts

Easter Word Games

Easter Online Games

jueves, 1 de abril de 2021

April Fools' Day - April 1st special


April Fools' Day is not a bank holiday, but it is celebrated in the United Kingdom and many other countries. Anyone who wants to have fun can celebrate the day. This is a day when people play tricks (jokes, pranks) to each other for fun. It's like the December 28th for us.
It also happens in France and it's called Poisson d'Avril.

The origin of April Fools' day is uncertain.

One theory suggests that the day comes from the change in the calendar in Europe from the Julian calendar to the Gregorian calendar. This moved the New Year form Spring (aronund April 1st) to January 1st. When people forgot and still celebrated the New Year in April, other people made fun of them.

Mucho ojo. Hoy es primero de abril. Es el equivalente anglosajón del Día de los Inocentes. Prometo portarme (casi) bien, pero no se fíen ustedes de nada ni de nadie.

Aupa kuadrila! Gaur bada bromak egiteko eguna Erresuma Batuan eta munduko hainbat lekuetan. Adi ibili! 

Hementxe jolastxo batzuk: