miércoles, 24 de febrero de 2021

LH3 - PROJECT4 My Easy Recipe


Hello! This is Project4 Explanation

Kaixo! Gelan azalduko badugu ere, hementxe duzue Project4 egiteko azalpena eta plana.

Elikadura landu dugun gaiari amaiera emateko, errezeta erraz eta sinplea generatu beharko duzue. Osasungarria bada, hobe!

Hementxe adibide ezberdinak aurkeztuko dizkizuet. Joan den egunean liburuan ikusi genuenaren antzekoak izan behar dira: osagai eta pausu gutxirekin betetzen direnak.


Lehenengo fasea: euskaraz edo ingelesez (laguntza barik) writing

Tope: Martxoak 8 (Monday)

Bigarren fasea: Maisuak zuzendutako English partearekin  entregatuko duzuen lana sortu eta entregatu. reading, writing

Tope: Martxoak 17 (Wednesday)

Hirugarren fasea: Gelan aurkeztu. speaking, listening, (reading)

Data: Martxoak 22-24-26 (Monday-Wednesday-Friday)








Come on, chefs! I want to see your yummy recipes!

jueves, 18 de febrero de 2021

HH4 - Unit4 Smart Topic video Bird Life Cycle


Look at the nest!

There are some eggs.

Mummy and Daddy bird will take care of them. 

Let's count: 1, 2, 3 baby birds!

This video and its rights are property of Oxford University Press.
The share in this blog has not commercial, but educational purposes.

HH5 - Unit4 Smart Topic video Rooms


A house has many rooms.

I wash in the bathroom.

I eat in the kitchen.

I play in the living room.

I sleep in the bedroom.

This video and its rights are property of Oxford University Press.
The share in this blog has not commercial, but educational purposes.

miércoles, 10 de febrero de 2021

LH3 - Unit4 Cross-Curricular Natural Science - Eating healthy food video


Healthy food is very important to feel good. Do you eat proteins? Carbohydrates? Fruit and vegetables?

Watch this video and learn about what and how you should eat.

This video and its rights are property of Macmillan Education.
The share in this blog has not commercial, but educational purposes.

jueves, 4 de febrero de 2021

LH2 - Unit4 STORY Break Time


It's Break Time!! Let's play.

Do you want to play tag? 

I want to play cards. Do you want to play cards?

Great idea.

But Tiger...

Story: Break Time
This video and its rights are property of Macmillan Education.
The share in this blog has not commercial, but educational purposes.

LH1 - Unit 4 STORY Dinner Time


- Do you like peas? Do you like sausages? 

- No, we don't. Can we have an omelette?

Daddy is making dinner. But...oops!!!

Story: Dinner Time
This video and its rights are property of Macmillan Education.
The share in this blog has not commercial, but educational purposes.

martes, 2 de febrero de 2021

HH5 - Unit4 I want to be a builder - STORY


Hello Daisy! Hello Robin! Hello Mouse!

Let's watch the Builder Adventure animation. 

A builder is a person who builds houses. It has to be a "handyman" or a "handywoman", a home repair expert.  It's very important not to forget any parts.

They are building Elf's house, because....there's been an accident.


- Done!! Is it OK?

- Where's the door? Don't forget the door!!!

I want to be a builder
This video and its rights are property of Oxford University Press.
The share in this blog has not commercial, but educational purposes.

HH4 - Unit4 I want to be a bird - STORY


Hello Daisy! Hello Robin! Hello Mouse!

Let's watch the Bird Adventure animation. There is a baby bird. The baby bird is sad. The baby bird is stuck.

They will call all the bird's family to help. They pull, and pull, and pull...

I want to be a bird
This video and its rights are property of Oxford University Press.
The share in this blog has not commercial, but educational purposes.